The Breaking Point

A Sermon for Easter Sunday, April 12, 2020 John 20:1-18, NRSV “Woman, why are you weeping?” My beloved friends, this Easter (let’s just be honest) feels far from ordinary.  Our annual traditions have shifted radically—reimagining what worship could and should look like during this time of social distancing.  How has your own Holy Week been different... Continue Reading →

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Welcome to the Wilderness

a sermon for the First Sunday in Lent, Year C “After his baptism, Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness.” Luke 4:1 I personally love the written word.  I love the opportunity it affords, the escape it offers, the creative wandering accessible at my fingertips.  I love the... Continue Reading →

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Where is the Love?

A sermon for the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost, Year A. (Watch entire sermon on Zoom, here.)There are days when I stand in this pulpitAnd I don’t quite know what to say;Days when I am feeling down and hopeless;Days when I feel like I don’t have the words to speak to you.Days when I question,“Where is... Continue Reading →

A Family Finding Forgiveness

A Sermon for the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Year A This sermon was preached without a manuscript. Enjoy listening to a family's story about forgiveness and reconciliation, and how we as Christians are called to this work as well.

Love Your Neighbor.

A Sermon for the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost. It’s here: the last weekend of summer. And with it our town with start to slow down; the pace of life will relax into its shoulder season serenity. Yet, even though I look forward to the return of such a refreshing small-town rhythm, I always end up... Continue Reading →

In Memory of Jim Hooper

This past autumn when I visited Jim in the hospital, while he was struggling physically and emotionally, he asked me to jot down of few notes of what he would want during his funeral. A bit reluctantly I obliged, because I personally did not want to ponder the potential passing of my dear friend. But... Continue Reading →

Growing into our Name

A Sermon for the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost. Growing up in the Deep South, I was not privy to a childhood surrounded by the majesty of national parks.  So it makes me a bit jealous to know that our young people get to grow up here, in a space of the world surrounded by such... Continue Reading →

the Language of Love

a sermon for the feast of Pentecost delivered May 31, 2020 My friends, beloved children of God, I want us all to take a deep breath; to create room for the Holy Spirit; to allow the Divine to bring us peace, and openness, and a willingness to stir our very souls.  And let’s take one more... Continue Reading →

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